The Russell Township Citizens 511 Park District Mission is multi-faceted, focusing on conservation, educational opportunities and historic preservation.
Protection and preservation of all designated properties and natural life.
Preserve and expand the green space of Russell Township.
Implement conservation restrictions to ensure the conservation of protected lands.
Educational Opportunities
When possible, potential educational opportunities will be considered as a part of the ongoing efforts to broaden the understanding and capabilities of our community.
Historic Preservation
When appropriate, the preservation of historic landmarks will be taken into consideration.
Appropriate use of facilities will be discussed with the Trustees and input taken from the residents to ensure usable use cases are implemented.
The Russell Citizens 511 Park District believes that the park land in Russell Township should be managed by Russell Township, with transparency and respecting the input of its citizens. Recognizing the value and necessity of good stewardship, the Russell Citizens Park District values unity and cooperation between Russell Township Trustees, the Russell Citizens 511 Park Board Commissioners and Russell's citizens in sustainably maintaining Russell's park land for the health of the community and the enjoyment of future generations.